Random CSS Thought: Solving equal height columns
Equal Height columns have been (one of) the holy grail(‘s) of webdevelopment for quite some time. Making columns look balanced can be a struggle sometimes. There is of course the repeat-y
background property, but it doesn’t allow for equal height columns with variable width.
Disclaimer: This is an article about a fictional, would-be-nice possibility in CSS.
The problem #
The problem with CSS here, is that there is no way to make properties dependent on each other. Something that is fairly easy in any programming language (CSS is a markup language). In CSS, you cannot tell an element to be the same height as another element. (Unless, of course, you know that the other element has , and always will have, a fixed height. But then the whole point is moot.)
So… #
It would be nice to have a way to tell an element to have one of it’s properties the same as another element. This great addition to CSS would slightly blur the line between it being a markup language and a programming language, but not so much that it would become too hard to work with:
#column1 {
background:url("column1.png") repeat 0 0;
#column2 {
height: #column1.height;
background:url("column2.png") repeat 0 0;
You have to admit that looks mighty simple, doesn’t it? The element.property is a fairly normal way of declaring properties in programming languages, and it serves it’s purpose nicely here.
Another example, now using text-colour:
#content {
blockquote { /* Assuming you'd go for an inverted look */
color: #content.background;
background: #content.color;
Now whenever you decide to change your #content
colours, the blockquotes change accordingly.
Other implications #
Of course, something like this would highly impact CSS as a language. For instance, it would make the use of PHP to add dynamics obsolete. Instead of using a PHP parser to add the right CSS in the right places, just place a #standard
element on top of your CSS, and reference it in the rest of your CSS.
CSS development would become much easier with this rather simple addition.
Bonus: Mix ‘n’ Match #
When you combine this with another one of my Random CSS Thoughts: Math in CSS, things get really interesting:
#column2 {
height: #column1.height + 10px;
This would open a world to all sorts of CSS effects that now require a whole mess of additional elements.
Discussion #
Do you think that CSS as a language is ready for such an addition? Would it make your life as a CSS developer easier? Please share your thoughts in the comments.