Kilian Valkhof

Building tools that make developers awesome.

In Barcelona!

Life, 12 July 2008, < 1

I Arrived in Barcelona two days ago to work for Properazzi. I’ll be working as a User Experience Designer for two months, living two streets from the beach. my life is so horrible :)

I don’t know a word of Spanish yet though, so it should be fun! (That’s not entirely true, but I probably shouldn’t go around saying Te amo, bella! to everyone…)

Design, design, design #

During this period, my evenings will finaly not be filled with extensive client work, and I plan on finally, for the first time since the start of this blog in december 2006, create my own design. I figured that, If I’m being employed as a User Experience Designer, my own weblog should at least somewhat convey that ;)

I’ll be living in a city defined by Miro, Dali and Gaudi, so I’ll just have to keep my eyes open to get inspiration.

Meetup! #

I don’t know any people in Barcelona yet (outside of Properazzi) and if you live there, I would love to get to know you. Send me a message though my Contact form or add me on twitter and we can go for a coffee or something :)

Polypane browser for responsive web development and design Hi, I'm Kilian. I make Polypane, the browser for responsive web development and design. If you're reading this site, that's probably interesting to you. Try it out!