Fronteers Conference 2010
Like last year and the year before that, Fronteers is organising the best Front-end conference in the world. I know, because I’m helping organize it ;) Fronteers 2010 is going to be our best conference yet, with two days of the absolute top when it comes to front-end speakers. You can get early bird tickets until next Wednesday, so be quick!
Fronteers 2010 will be held the 7th and 8th of October in the beautiful Tuschinski Theatre in Amsterdam. While usually a movie theatre, we’ll be using the gorgeous room with awesome soft, red cinema seats, a huge stage and an absolutely gorgeous art-deco interior as the place where, for two days straight, the best of the best of front-end will come together.
Speakers #
Fronteers 2010 has an impressive list of speakers:
- Cameron Adams
- Jina Bolton
- Jeff Croft
- Brendan Eich
- Jeremy Keith
- Nicholas Zakas
And those are just the first six of our fourteen presentations covered! Just yesterday we also announced Brad Neuberg and Steve Faulkner + Hans Hillen, and you can expect a whole bunch of really cool names to follow in the next couple of months.
The conference will be hosted by my buddy Justin, who did an excellent job at being the master of ceremonies, last year.
In terms of topics, We’re shooting for a more diverse range of topics than last year, while still keeping the technical level high. Expect topics dealing with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, performance, SVG and accessibility.
Workshops #
Apart from two days of awesome presentations, this year we also host two workshop days in advance of the Conference. One workshop by Andy Clarke, and one by Dan Rubin. The former will be interesting to front-end developers looking to really hone their skills and be updates to all the latest CSS3 goodness, while the latter is set up specifically for designers interested in starting with CSS, or at least getting more of a grip on it.
Tickets #
As of writing, there are just 50 early bird tickets left, at the insane price of just € 275. After next week, the price for a ticket will go up with 100 euro. So, go get some tickets and I’ll see you there!