Polypane available now
Polypane is out today! Polypane is a browser for developers, designers and everyone else that creates websites and webapps. This release has been a long time in the making, and has taken a lot of hard work in the past months to get this release out the door. I am incredibly proud of the app I’ll be sharing with all of you today.
Compared to the betas, Polypane 1.0 is much, much faster, has a bunch of super useful additional features and integrates much better with your operating system (no matter if you use Macos, Windows or Linux). There is a 7 day free trial available, and there are both personal and team licenses (from 3 users up) available.
Get it now at Polypane.rocks
Polypane in one minute and twenty seconds: #
I want Polypane to become the default browser for people that create websites and web applications. Your code editor and your UI Design tools are highly specialized tools that make you more efficient, prevent you from making mistakes and speed up your workflow. Your browser should do the same for you.
I’ll be hanging out on Twitter, Product hunt and Hacker news all day responding to your comments and questions.
Thanks #
On a more personal note, The past period has been very tumultuous for me, and getting Polypane this far means more than I can express in this post.
I owe a huge amount of thanks to so many people for this. The people that have been giving me feedback on the betas for all this time, the people that have been helping me test the entire subscription flow, that have been sharing Polypane with their friends and colleagues, the people that helped me with honest and personal feedback on the app and the product and marketing, and most of all to the people who’ve supported me all this time, my girlfriend and my daughter above all.
Thank you for making this possible.