Kilian Valkhof

Building tools that make developers awesome.

I’m speaking at Webdirections Hover!

CSS & HTML, 12 March 2021, 2 minute read

April 30th I will be speaking at Webdirections Hover on a topic very dear to me: New and future media queries. Read on for more info on the conference, how to get tickets and a discount!

Webdirections Hover is an online conference that’s 100% about CSS. split across two days, April 23th and April 30th and will be broadcast at three different times so that you can see all the presentations at a reasonable time in your time zone. And all talks will be captioned and slide text will be made accessible too!

What I’ll be speaking about

Here’s the blurb:

Responsive design turned 10 years old last year. Since then browser capabilities have changed a lot, and they’re set to change even more. We’ll explore new and upcoming media queries that will let website authors make websites that respond not just to screen sizes, but to many different user preferences and situations. Learn how to implement these in forward compatible ways with practical tips and examples.

If you’ve been following along, that’s basically all the information that lives in my head exported in presentation format. Expect a good look into the future of media queries as well as practical tips.

So many interesting talks

There are some fantastic topics that are being covered. Ahmad Shadeed will speak about CSS comparison functions, Rhiana Heath about Typed CSS, Anton Ball about aspect-ratio and many, many more. Each presentation looks to be fantastic. Here’s the Full two-day schedule.

Come to Hover!

If you want to get a ticket, make sure to use the code “kiliansentme” to save 20%. Get a ticket here. Tickets are $145 but are sold with purchasing power parity so access is as equitable as possible.

Polypane browser for responsive web development and design Hi, I'm Kilian. I make Polypane, the browser for responsive web development and design. If you're reading this site, that's probably interesting to you. Try it out!