The tools I’m using
A collection of the various tools I’m using.
This site #
This site is built in WordPress and hosted on DigitalOcean ($10 in credit). My email is hosted at Fastmail (10% off).
Developing #
I program in Atom using Fira Code. Occasionally, I use Vim. A lot of my time is spent in FromScratch to keep my notes and as a braindump. I also use Trello a lot.
My browsing-browser is Firefox using the Tridactyl Addon. For development, I use Polypane (of course) and sometimes open Chrome.
Designing #
If I can, I design in the browser. If not, I like Figma but I also use Sketch and Adobe XD and I’m trying out Modulz.
Hardware #
I run Ubuntu on a NUC and I dual-boot Ubuntu (primary) and MacOS (secondary) on a 13″ Macbook Pro. I have an iPhone and a Pebble Time watch. I used to have a standing desk and would like to get one again. I prefer 5mm squared graph paper and I like sketching and writing on it with a Uni Kuru Toga 0.5mm mechanical pencil.
This page has a couple of referral links. Bonus points if you use them all! <3