I have spoken at over 30 conferences including Web Directions Hover, JSConf, QCon SF, Codemotion, UX Ya’ll and more. On this page you’ll find information on the subjects I cover, upcoming speaking engagements, previous events and how to book me.
Upcoming events #
Frontrunners, 21 March 2025, Washington DC, USA
Title: Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML
Book me #
If you would like me to speak at your event, conference or meetup, please reach out via e-mail, Twitter or LinkedIn. Find common information below. I can present in both English and Dutch (though please let me know beforehand which you expect!)
Personal information #
- Name: Kilian Valkhof
- Company: Polypane
- Job Title: Founder
- Twitter: @kilianvalkhof
- LinkedIn: /in/kilianvalkhof
- Blog/Homepage: https://kilianvalkhof.com
- Location: Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
Kilian Valkhof has been developing websites for two decades and has a focus on user experience, accessibility and web standards. He has a long-standing interest in responsive design dating back to (pre-iPhone) 2008 when he wrote his first article on mobile web design. Kilian shares his knowledge and experience through his blog, kilianvalkhof.com and elsewhere on the web, and as a member of the Electron governance team and an open source contributor. He is the founder of Polypane, a browser for developers designed to help build websites with a focus on responsive design, user experience, and accessibility.
Subjects #
I do well delivering both technical talks for developer audiences as well as more high level, future-looking talks for more varied audiences, and am open to creating a new talk for your conference or meetup.
- HTML/CSS/JS: How to pick the right technology, deep dives into new features and browser capabilities.
- Responsive design: browser capabilities, implementation strategies and accessibility considerations.
- Accessibility: Deep dives into specific accessibility topics, practical tips and explaining design choices.
- Electron: Getting started with Electron, and getting the most out of the framework. (I am an Electron governance team member).
- Developer/designer tooling: Design tokens, the future of tooling.
- Polypane: (in-house) tech demo of Polypane.
Terms #
I will help promote the event, will be available to attendees for the duration of the event and attend the social activities surrounding it. I will gladly allow you to record and distribute my talk.
I will bring my own device, HDMI adapter and clicker. I prefer an over-ear microphone or other hands-free mic, since my talks often involve demos for which I need my hands.
My expectation is that a conference or event covers travel and hotel if required (unless I can get to the conference and back on the same day, for example those held near my location). This lets me focus on giving the best talk, rather than worry about costs. I’m happy to work with you and figure out the most cost-effective travel and stay.
Photos and headshots #
Previous events #
2025 #
Confoo, 26-28 February, Montreal CA.
Title: Don’t use JavaScript for that, use HTML and CSS! Rated 4.9 out of 5
Title: Understanding CSS Layout: We fear what we don’t understand Rated 4.8 out of 5
2024 #
XtremeJS, 12 November 2024, Online. Video
Title: Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML
Frontmania, 10 October 2024, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Video
Title: Understanding CSS Layout: the concepts underlying your (least) favorite language Voted as best talk in the time slot, and second-most favorite speaker of the day.
Techorama, 7, 8 and 9 October 2024, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Title: Responsive websites: it’s not just screen sizes anymore. Rated 4.4 out of 5 by audience members
Fronteers NL at Werkspot Amsterdam, 11 July 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Title: A11y and algorithms: getting technical to make your sites more human
Web Summer Camp, 6 July 2024, Opajita, Croatia. Video
Title: Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML
JSConf Budapest, 26-28 June 2024, Budapest, Hungary. Video
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML
Teqnation, 22 may 2024, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Title: Understanding CSS Layout: the concepts underlying your (least) favorite language. Rated 4.1 out of 5 by audience members.
EnterJS, 7-8 May 2024, Mainz, Germany
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML Rated 4.7 out of 5 by audience members.
Webdevcon, 15 March 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML
CodeMash, 9-12 January 2024, Sandusky, Ohio, United States.
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML.
Title: Understanding CSS Layout: the concepts underlying your (least) favorite language.
2023 #
Conf42 JavaScript 2023, 16 November 2023, online
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML.
LibertyJS, 12-13 October, Philadelphia, United States
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML.
State of the browser, 23 September, London, United Kingdom. Video and transcript. Fair warning: it contains me struggling with a misbehaving projector for a significant portion of it.
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML.
Zoetermeer Tech Night, 4 September, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML. (given in Dutch)
WeAreDevelopers World Congress, 27-18 July (online track)
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML.
TEQnation conference, 17 May Utrecht, The Netherlands
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML. Rated as 4th best of out of 35 sessions.
Codemotion Madrid, 9-10 May, Madrid, Spain
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML. Rated 4.6 out of 5 by audience members.
Developer Week Europe 26-27 April, Online
Title: Stop Using JavaScript for That: Moving Features from JS to CSS and HTML
Joomla Day USA 22-23 April, Austin, United States and online
Title: Beyond responsive design: new and future media queries
AdvancedJS Amsterdam, 19 April, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Title: Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML
JS Eindhoven, 15 March, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Title: Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML
CMD Amsterdam, 16 February, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Title: Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML
We ♥ Web, 17 January, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Title: Responsive Design Ground Rules
2022 #
A11y.Lowlands, 15 December (online)
Title: Forced colors explained
Front-end Focus: Accessibility for Developers, 24 November 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Title: Beyond responsive design: new and future media queries
Modern Frontend Live!, 17 – 18 November 2022 London, United Kingdom
Title: Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML
Frontmania 2022, 5 October 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Title: Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML. Video. Highest rated talk of the conference.
Title: Beyond responsive design: new and future media queries Video
Init Conference 2022, 24 September 2022, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Title: Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML
AmsterdamJS Spring Edition, April 12, Amsterdam The Netherlands
Title: Stop using JavaScript for that: moving features from JS to CSS and HTML
Hover 2022, April 22 & 29, 2022 (online)
Title: :where :is :has?
Codebar Festival 2022, 11-13 March 2022 (online) Video
Title: Beyond responsive design: new and future media queries
2021 #
Tech A11y Summit, 15 December 2021 (online)
Title: An inclusive web, using preference media queries to make your sites for everyone Video
Title: Accessibility in front-end development (Panel discussion) Video
Git Commit Show 27 and 28 November 2021 (online)
Title: Beyond responsive design: new and future media queries
Fast Forward by Contentful, 3 – 5 November 2021 (online) Video
Title: Increasing Access to Your Website With “Prefers-Reduced-Data”
Web Directions: AAA, 29 October and 5 November 2021 (online)
Title: Forced Colors explained
CSS Café, 28 October2021 (online) Video
Title: Beyond responsive design: new and future media queries
Conf42, 28 October 2021 (online)
Title: Make Your Electron App Feel at Home Everywhere Video
Nerdear.la, 20 – 23 October 2021 (online). Video
Title: Responsive Design in 2021
Halfstack Series 1, 8 October 2021 (online). Get tickets to rewatch
Title: Approachable accessibility with media queries
UX Ya’ll, 23-24 September 2021 (online).
Title: An inclusive web: using preference media queries to make your sites for everyone.
Shortstackcon, 3 July 2021 (online)
Title: Increasing Access To Your Website With prefers-reduced-data. Video
Mintbean.io workshop, 26 May 2021
Title: Ground rules for responsive design. Video.
Webdirections Hover 2021, 30 April 2021
Title: Beyond responsive design: new and future media queries.
Frontend Lightning Talks 5.0 – CSS / UX / WCAG / Accessibility, April 13 2021
Title: Responsive design in 2021.
Frontend Lightning Talks 5.0, 9 February 2021
Title: Building desktop apps in Electron
2020 #
Codefwd: Design patterns, 9 July 2020
Title: Beyond screen sizes: responsive design in 2020. Video.
Halfstack Conf online, 22 May 2020
Title: Responsive design in 2020: It’s not just screen sizes anymore. Video.
React Amsterdam meetup, 6 Feb 2020
Title: Design Tokens 101. Video.
2019 and earlier #
QCon San Francisco, 11-13 Nov 2019
Title: Make Your Electron App Feel at Home Everywhere.
Slides, Video.
Fronteers Jam Session X, 3 Oct 2019
Title: We’re all desktop app developers now. Slides. Video.
Zoetermeer Tech night, 22 May 2019
Title: Introduction to Polypane
Digital We Programme, 1 Feb 2017
Title: What I learned about building chatbots Slides (Dutch)
Zoetermeer Tech night, 15 Feb 2017
Title: The Electron Framework. Slides (Dutch)
Electron.js Amsterdam meetup, 11 May 2016
Title: Cross-platform electron. Slides
Kings of Code, 29 Jun 2009
Organizer and MC, front-end side event
Fronteers meetup, 8 May 2009
Title: CSS Frameworks. Slides
Future of Web Apps, 4 Oct 2007
Title: Dutch guild of front-end developers